Monday, March 21, 2011

Food Productions

What is agriculture? It is cultivating land, raising crops, and breeding, feeding, and raising livestock, basically like farming! There are two types of agriculture, sustainable and industrial agriculture. Which one is better?

First off, what is industrial agriculture? After World War II, we began to industrialize our farming operations. We used machines for manual labor, petro-chemicals, like pesticides and fertilizers, biotechnology, monoculture systems and government subsides that would make food more affordable and abundant. They produce livestock and crops faster than usual. There are huge environmental and social costs for industrial farming.

Secrets of Industrial Agriculture

·         Unsanitary conditions in factory farms and slaughterhouses.
·         Contaminating our soil and water resources
·         Causing topsoil erosion and deforestation
·         Reduction and loss of biodiversity! Bees, bats, amphibians, and other species are declining, due pesticide exposure.
·         Reducing genetic diversity in animals since they raise a few selected breeds.
·         Enormous amount of factory-farmed animals confined in small areas without access to sunlight, fresh air, pasture, and they live in unsanitary conditions.

·         Factory farms are responsible for 1/3 of global greenhouse emissions, which contributes to our climate change!
·         Relying on chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers, which we carry in our bodies, and can, increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, asthma, and more.
·         And so much more!

So why do we continue industrial farming? Many believe that it’s the only way to feed a large, growing population.

That’s a MYTH!

Sustainable agriculture is more than capable of feeding everyone on earth!  Sustainable farming uses many techniques, including organic, biodynamic, holistic, low-input and free-range methods. Although sustainable agriculture is expensive and produces slower, it has many more benefits!

Secrets of Sustainable Agriculture

·         Using erosion-prevention methods, by using windbreaks, cover crops, planting fields with different crops every year, and other methods.
·         Conserving scarce water resources and local aquifer. For instance, farmer would minimize tilling and water use.
·         Avoiding chemical pesticides and fertilizers so it cannot contaminate soil.
·         Relying more on pest control methods, like habitat manipulation.

·          Farms only take in as much animals they can sustain.
·         Integrate cropland for animals to graze.
·         Preserving genetic diversity by raising a wide variety of animal breeds and crop varieties.
·         Animals are not injected with hormones or antibiotics
·         Contains higher levels of antioxidants and more vitamin C, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
·         And much more!

As you can see, I think that sustainable agriculture is way better because it’s capable of feeding everybody, and is more beneficial and safer for everything and everyone. According to the Pesticide Action Network North America says, “We have to change the way we farm… if we expect to feed a growing and warming planet.” It’s for us to decide if we want to use the safest and healthiest way to farm and sustain our resources for future generations.

Word Count: 476



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  1. I agree that sustainable agriculture is way better as it helps out the environment and it makes it more benefical for everyone. There are also many secrets of sustainable agriculture that I did not know of. Great blog!

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